Hey! We are the Himalayan Black bear and yes, we are from the cold Himalayas. There are many important points to know about us. Have a look: We are well-known for our white V-shaped chest mark and are extremely dangerous for humans. You must be thinking we are kind of slow animals because of our clumsy …
Hello! We are the majestic monkeys named Hamadryas Baboon. We are also called as Sacred Baboon as we were once considered as sacred in Egypt. Have a look at few interesting points about us: We were considered as representatives of God of learning, Thoth in ancient Egypt. We were a common pet in ancient Egypt …
Hello! We are the Grey Pelicans and we are also called as Spot-billed Pelicans due to the spots present on our bills. If you live in coastal areas of India our South-east Asia, you would have definitely seen us. Here are some of the interesting things about us We have a big and long beak …
Hey! We are the Grey Francolin. We are formerly called as Grey Partridge. We can be often seen in Northern India, in competitions, fighting. Have a look at few important points about us: We are called “Teetar” in the Urdu language. This is based on our calls which are in the form “tee-tar-tee-tar”. We roost like …
Hey! We are Gharial crocodiles and it would be tough to believe that we are a few of 900+ of us surviving in this world. Lucky you! You get to see us. We are not so dangerous crocodiles and there are a few notable things that might interest you. Read below: We are fish-eating crocodiles …
Hello! We are the beautiful and attractive Golden Pheasants. We are the one of the most beautiful birds present in the world along with Peafowl and other such birds. Have a look at some important points about us: We are also called Chinese Pheasants as we are only found in parts of China. We are …
Hello! We are the Green-winged Macaws. Look at us! We are very big right? Yes, we are big, in fact we are the second biggest of all macaw species. Have a look at some interesting points about us: As mentioned above, we are the second-largest macaws after Hyacinth Macaw and are called as “Gentle Giants”. You …
Hey! We are not normal domesticated Chickens. We are the Grey Jungle Fowls and have a lot of similarities with the Red Jungle Fowl. Know more about us: Do you know? We are only found in the Southern and Western parts of India. We are also called Sonnerat’s Jungle fowl referring to the French Naturalist, …
Hello! We are Grey Cockatiels. We are beautiful looking, orange cheeked birds which give us the name Cheddar cheeks. Look at some interesting things about us: We have several names like Miniature Cockatoo, Weero, and Quarron. We are second-most popular parrot, only after budgerigars. We are first described by Scottish writer and Naturalist Robert Kerr …
Hi! We are the world-famous Fischer’s Love birds. We are called lovebirds because of our closeness and affection towards our mate. Have a look at some interesting points about us. We are monogamous birds i.e.; we have a single mate for a lifetime. When we form a pair, we stay very close to each other and …