Emu Birds
Birds Omnivores


Hey! We might look like Ostrich, but we are not. In fact, we are the second largest birds in the world. We are the Emus. There are more interesting things about us, have a look:  We are very tall measuring 150cm-190cm. And, surprisingly females of our species are larger than the males. We are the unofficial …

Birds Herbivores


Hey! Are you wondering why a green parrot and red parrot are in the same place and are named as same species? Well, we are Eclectus parrots and we are known for our extreme sexual dimorphism, meaning males and females of our species look a lot different from each other. So, red ones are females …

common langur


Hello! Fellow primates. We are the common Langurs. If you live in East side of India, you must probably know us, our species live in close neighbourhood to you and sometimes pass by through the roof tops. We play a vital role in India and Hindu community, here are some of the things you might …

Chattering lorikeet
Birds Herbivores


Hello! We are the very attractive, playful and lovely Chattering Lori. We are found only in few islands of Indonesia and are very rare birds. You can know about some interesting facts about us below:  We are well known for our playfulness. We are species that love water bathing and playing in the water. We have …



Hi! You must be thinking why barking sound is heard from a bunch of deer, that’s because we are one of the few such species who bark, we are the Barking deer.  Apart from our barking there are other things you can have a look at:  As you know we bark but, we can bark …



Hey! You are looking at the largest cats in the world, The Royal Bengal Tigers. Our majestic look, ferocious face, powerful paws can mesmerize anyone and can induce fear in any animal. Unfortunately, our population is decreasing year after year.  Read more about us:  Being the largest wildcats of the world, we also have a …



Hey! We are Blackbucks. We are beautiful creatures and sole living antelope species of the Bovidae family. And, the State animal of Andhra Pradesh of India. In Hindu mythology, we are considered as a vehicle for Vayu (God of wind) as well as Chandra (Moon god).  Why are we called Black bucks you ask? That’s …

Birds Herbivores


Hello! We are the beautiful and magnificent Black Swans. We are found only in Australia. Have a look at some important points about us:  Once upon a time, it was believed only white swans existed but when Dutch explorer Willem de Vlamingh discovered us in Australia in 1697, it changed many zoologists’ perspectives. We are …

Birds Herbivores


Hey! We are the playful and very talkative Alexandrine Parakeet. We are named after the famous emperor Alexander of Greece. There is interesting information about us that you might want to see. Have a look:  We are the largest parakeets in the world measuring about 62cm. We are birds that are kept as pets in …



Hey! Do we need an introduction? Probably every human in the world knows us. We are the Asian Elephants. Since we are mostly found in India, we are also called as Indian Elephants. We are a huge animal and there is also a huge amount of information about us.  Here are few important facts about …